June 17, 2012

Follow Your Heart

who's to say the rules must stay the same forevermore
whoever made them had to change the rules that came before

so make your own way show the beauty within
when you follow your heart there's no heart you can't win

so reach for the sky it's not as high as it seems
just follow your heart go as far as your dreams

dare if you want to, don't fear the fall
take a chance, it's better than to never chance it all

there's a world full of changing and you've just begun
don't let them tell you it's simply not done
when you follow your heart you'll shine bright as the sun

Cinderella II (Dreams Come True)


  1. Nice poem dik! :))))

    Btw, mampir ke blog baru eke yaaaaaaaaaahhh :D

  2. udah difollow ya mit
    tinggal di folbek
    haha :p
